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Resistance Heating Wire, Nickel-Chromium Alloy, 60% Nickel/ 16% Chromium (Balance Iron)


Nickel-Chromium Alloy Resistance Heater Wire - Order online | NI60

Nickel-Chromium Alloy Resistance Heater Wire - Order online

38,85 NI60-040-50

  • Resistance Heater Wire Used to Make Straight or Helical Coil Resistance Heaters
  • Quick Heating, Long Life
  • High Temperature, 1000°C
  • Corrosion Resistant
  • Convenient 15 and 60 metre Reels Available
Filo termocoppia , RTD , termistore e cavetto di cablaggio - Visualizza i prodotti correlati


More information about how Industrial Heaters work in this link.

OMEGA™ NIC60 wire is a resistance heating wire comprised of 60% Nickel and 16% Chromium. NIC60 wire is commonly used for heating at temperatures up to 1000°C. This encompasses most domestic heating appliances and those heating units of medium temperatures which do not require the unsurpassed quality of NIC80, the 80% Nickel-20% Chromium alloy.

Composition: 60% Nickel, 16% Chromium
Specific Gravity: 8.25
Density: 8.25g/cm³
Melting Point: approx. 1350°C
Nominal Coefficient of Linear Expansion: 0.000017 (20-1000°C)
Tensile Strength (Kg/cm²) at 20°C
  Hard Drawn: 14,060
  Soft Annealed: 6,679
Nominal Temperature Coefficient of Resistance: 0.00015 Ohms/Ohm/°C (20-500°C)

Model No. Wire
Dia. mm
CSA mm²
@ 20°C
Current Temperature Characteristics*
425°C 550°C 650°C 750°C 875°C 1100°C
NI60-040- 18 1.02 0.82 1.384 7.90 9.75 11.96 14.51 17.37 23.08
NI60-032- 20 0.81 0.52 2.162 5.92 7.25 8.86 10.69 12.72 16.87
NI60-025- 22 0.64 0.32 3.460 4.44 5.40 6.56 7.87 11.63 12.33
NI60-020- 24 0.51 0.20 5.481 3.32 4.01 4.86 5.80 6.82 9.01
NI60-015- 26 0.41 0.13 8.76 2.52 3.00 3.61 4.31 5.06 6.63
NI60-012- 28 0.33 0.09 13.95 1.90 2.28 2.73 3.23 3.77 4.88
NI60-010- 30 0.25 0.049 22.14 1.43 1.74 2.06 2.43 2.81 3.59
* Showing approximate amperes necessary to produce a given temperature, applying only to a straight wire stretched horizontally in free air.

Factor by Which Resistance at Room Temperature Is to Be Multiplied to Obtain Resistance at Indicated Temperatures
(These figures are given as a basis for engineering calculations and represent average material as supplied.)
Temp. °C 20 95 205 315 425 540 650 760 870
Factor 1.000 1.019 1.044 1.070 1.092 1.108 1.112 1.118 1.13

Ordinare(Specificare il codice prodotto)

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Codice prodotto/Desc.
Stock: 8 settimane
200' spool of 18 gage bare 60% nickel/16% chromium alloy heating wire
Stock: In magazzino
200' spool of 20 gage bare 60% nickel/16% chromium alloy heating wire
Clicca per espandere/minimizzare una lista di quello che altri hanno comprato con NI60-025-50
Stock: 8 settimane
50' spool of 22 gage bare 60% nickel/16% chromium alloy heating wire
Stock: 8 settimane
200' spool of 24 gage bare 60% nickel/16% chromium alloy heating wire
Stock: 8 settimane
50' spool of 26 gage bare 60% nickel/16% chromium alloy heating wire
Stock: 1 settimana
50' spool of 28 gage bare 60% nickel/16% chromium alloy heating wire
Clicca per espandere/minimizzare una lista di quello che altri hanno comprato con NI60-010-200
Stock: 8 settimane
200' spool of 30 gage bare 60% nickel/16% chromium alloy heating wire
Stock: 8 settimane
200' spool of 26 gage bare 60% nickel/16% chromium alloy heating wire
Stock: 8 settimane
50' spool of 20 gage bare 60% nickel/16% chromium alloy heating wire
Tutti gli importi indicati in EUR
Nota: This wire is not intended for use in making thermocouple elements.
Esempio di Ordinazione: (1) NI60-040-200 60 metres of 1 mm dia. bare 60% nickel/16% chromium alloy heating wire, €119,38

Combinare codice prodotto

Costruisci il Tuo Codice Prodotto Qui Sotto
Descrizione delle opzioni:

(1) Gage Type Seleziona da:
040 per 18 gage bare wire
032 per 20 gage bare wire
025 per 22 gage bare wire
020 per 24 gage bare wire
015 per 26 gage bare wire
012 per 28 gage bare wire
010 per 30 gage bare wire

(2) Length Seleziona da:
50 per 50 feet
200 per 200 feet
Nota: Non tutte le combinazioni possono essere valide, controlla il foglio delle specifiche per codici prodotti corretti.
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