CN132 Series
Dual Setpoint Controller Temperature/Process
Vedi tutti i modelli qui sotto
1/32 DIN Cutout
User Selectable Inputs
Autotune PID
Configurable Dual Output
Second Setpoint and Output
NEMA-4X Front Panel
Full Cool Strategy
Auto/Manual Operation
Optional 12 Vac/dc or 24 Vac/dc Models
UL Recognized (US)
This product series is no longer available. For potential replacements please see
CNPT-Series or
Please consult an application engineer for a more specific recommendation.
The CN132 digital microcontrollers include all the features of standard 1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 DIN
microprocessor controllers, in a very small package.
The CN132 features advanced
Autotune PID. Autotune teaches the controller the main characteristics of the process.
Autotune learns by cycling the output on and off. The results are measured and used to calculate optimum
PID values which are automatically entered in the controller memory. Optimum cycle-time is calculated by
Autotune programs. The choice of cycle-time is influenced by the external switching device or load, e.g.,
contactor, SSR, valve. Each control parameter also can be set by the user through the front keypad.
These units include program security in a hidden level for authorized personnel.