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Adjustable Depth Armored Thermocouples


Adjustable Depth Armored Thermocouples | ADR and ADF

Adjustable Depth Armored Thermocouples

62,16 ADR-E-G-1-24-1

  • Locking Fitting Freely Adjustable Over Flexible Armor
  • Spring-Action Catch Holds Probe Firmly in Place
  • TYPE ADF Fixed Locking Cap Becomes a Permanent Part of Your Installation
  • TYPE ADR Removable Locking Cap Bayonet Fitting Connects with a Twist
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This unique thermocouple is easy to adjust to ANY immersion depth into thermowells (but NOTE: this probe cannot be immersed in liquids). Adjustable depth eliminates the need to stock a variety of fixed depth immersion probes. The locking cap can be positioned anywhere along the flexible armor and obtains its locking force from a unique spring- action catch. The welded stainless steel tipped probe is held against the bottom of the well by compression of the armor.

Two styles are available. Style ADF has a unique locking fitting that mounts permanently to your equipment. The quick release action of the locking fitting allows fast installation and removal of the probe.

Style ADR has a removable locking fitting and requires a BTA adapter. This style is ideal for installations where the mounting surface is under a layer of insulation, or where the locking cap must be removable.

Detailed Dimensions for ADR, ADF, and Termination Styles

Ordinare(Specificare il codice prodotto)
Codice prodotto/Desc.
Example part numbers are shown below. For additional configurations see the Part Number Builder below this table.
Stock: 6 settimane
Removable Locking Cap Probe, Type E, grounded junction, A dimension 1", B dimension 24", Spade Lugs Termination
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Removable Locking Cap Probe, Type J, grounded junction, A dimension 1/2", B dimension 30", Male Quick Disconnect Termination
Stock: 6 settimane
Removable Locking Cap Probe, Type K, ungrounded junction, A dimension 2", B dimension 48", Spade Lugs Termination
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Removable Locking Cap Probe, Type T, ungrounded junction, A dimension 2", B dimension 48", Female Quick Disconnect Termination
Stock: 4 settimane
Locking Fitting
Stock: 1 settimana
Locking Fitting

Ordina per Codice Prodotto

Codice prodotto
Codice prodotto

Tutti gli importi indicati in EUR
Nota: Click here for help in selecting the thermocouple junction.

Combinare codice prodotto

Costruisci il Tuo Codice Prodotto Qui Sotto
Descrizione delle opzioni:

(1) Style Seleziona da:
ADR per style ADR
ADF per style ADF

(2) Calibration Seleziona da:
J per J type
K per K type
T per T type
E per E type

(3) Junction(see notes section above help selecting the junction) Seleziona da:
G per Grounded
U per Ungrounded

(4) A dimension Seleziona da:
1/2 per 1/2 in.
1 per 1 in.
2 per 2 in.
3 per 3 in.

(5) B dimension Seleziona da:
24 per 24 in.
30 per 30 in.
36 per 36 in.
48 per 48 in.

(6) Termination Styles Seleziona da:
1 per Spade Lugs
2 per Male Quick Disconnect Type OST
3 per Femail Quick Disconnect Type OST
Nota: Non tutte le combinazioni possono essere valide, controlla il foglio delle specifiche per codici prodotti corretti.
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