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Transducer-Quality Strain Gage Specification Chart and Gage Patterns

Transducer-Quality Strain Gages

Transducer-Quality Strain Gage Specification Chart and Gage Patterns | Transducer-Quality Strain Gages

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OMEGA’s transducer-quality strain gages are high-quality encapsulated foil strain gages that are available in many configurations. They are commonly used in transducer technology as well as in experimental analysis. The gages come in a variety of lengths, patterns, thermal expansion coefficients (matched to stainless steel, carbon steel, and aluminum), alloy materials, and solder configurations. Resistors and resistor wire, used for zero temperature compensation, span temperature compensation, and zero balance, are also available for use with these gages.
Click on "Specs" above to see full details.
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