€418,80 HH520
The HH520 is a 4 channel handheld data logger/thermometer that accepts Types J, K, T and E thermocouples. Measurement settings and results are shown on the backlit LCD display. Data can be stored in the data logger and then downloaded to the computer or directly saved on the computer through the USB interface in real time. With the exclusive software, recording/ recalling of data and programming of logging parameters can be done directly through a PC. There is a save dialog window in the software where the data file name and file type to save can be selected. There are three types of file format that can be selected: binary file (*.ghf), text file(*.txt) and Excel® format file (*.csv). The .txt file format can be opened by the HH520 software and any other word processor program like Microsoft® Word or Notepad. The .csv file format can be opened by the HH520 software and also by Microsoft Excel.